Being set on the top of a hill in a remote location, Saint Mary’s has a wealth of wildlife.
To name but a few of our regular feathered friends:
- Blue tits, great tits, Long tailed tits,
- Sparrow, blackbird, thrush, chaffinch, greenfinch, robin, yellow hammer
- Skylark, wagtail, woodpecker
- Barn owl, tawny owl, kestrel
- Pheasant partridge
- Crow, rook jackdaw, jay, magpie
- Wood pigeons, collard doves
- Lapwing, blackheaded gull, moorhen, mallard duck
Some of our regular four legged friends include:
- Roe dear, muntjak dear,
- Fox, weasel, stoat, grey squirrel
- Badger, hare, rabbit
- Voles, moles, rats mice, ranny (pygmy shrew)
- Frog, toad.
...as well as countless insects.